Title: The 169-Storey Treehouse
Author: Andy Griffiths
Illustrator: Terry Denton
Reviewer: Rhonda Bruce
Audience: 11+
Don't forget to read the second sign telling you not to forget to read the first sign telling you not to forget to shut the door before your start the the Weather up! (This definitely absolutely positively means YOU, Terry!)" By Order of Andy (P39)
Andy and Terry have done it again. they have added another 13 storeys to their Treehouse. The problem is, what do they put on the 169th floor? As Andy and Terry cope with Terry letting a cyclone and their doppelgangers loose, they are also discovered by the Truancy Officer who insists on taking them to school along with Jill, where they are sent to the Timeout Room on their first day. What happens next? Read it to find out.
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