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Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 

SLANSW offers a number of Special Interest Groups (SIG) as a benefit of membership. Members can opt-in to one or more of the following SIGs; Mentoring, Networking, and Non-Teaching School Library Staff.

The three SLANSW SIGs have been created in response to members’ comments and requests as well as future-focused, library-related literature. The SIGs offer members the opportunity to customise their professional learning by joining a community of practitioners with similar professional needs and interests. The relatively informal nature of SIG meetings encourages greater participation as attendees share ideas and discuss issues raised by SIG members.

While the Mentoring SIG requires a regular commitment from mentors and mentees, the other SIGs operate on a more fluid basis. Members have found is that there are real benefits to be gained by becoming a regular and active member of our learning community and forming supportive professional relationships with other members.

Mentoring SIG 

In 2022 SLANSW offered a one-year mentoring pilot scheme as part of its professional development program. Teacher Librarians of all sectors and levels of experience were invited to participate in this exciting scheme as either mentor or mentee. Due to its success, the Mentoring SIG is now run each year via an Expression of Interest process.  Here is some feedback from previous participants about the benefits of this SIG: 

Discussing my reading program meant I had a more fleshed out program which has been very successful at school. (Mentee 2023)

Meeting other TLs and learning about what others are doing in their library programs. (Mentee 2023)

Developing my skills in sharing and encouraging a colleague in their journey as a TL. (Mentor 2022)

It was an opportunity for a member of the profession to guide me through the ups and downs of my role. It was recommended by a friend that I utilise a mentor to grow professionally. (Mentee 2022)

This SIG operates from April to December each year. Applications for 2025 will open in March 2025.

Networking SIG 

In 2023 SLANSW introduced the Networking SIG to provide a platform to support members and encourage ongoing dialogue in our professional learning community. The Networking SIG also provides a continuing networking opportunity for graduate mentees of the Mentoring SIG.

The aim of the Networking SIG is to create opportunities for our members to meet and discuss a variety of issues and topics. Meetings are offered in face-to-face mode. The SLANSW Professional Learning Book Club is also a part of this SIG. This allows us to share our learning from professional development readings and attendance at professional learning events. This is a friendly and collaborative forum for discussions, networking, informal tours of school Libraries, and of course, afternoon tea.

Non-Teaching School Library Staff SIG 

The Non-Teaching School Library Staff SIG is an informal gathering held each term. This SIG is similar to the Networking SIG but aims to focus on issues that are not teaching related. This SIG is offered in online mode in the SLANSW Zoom Room. The hour-long session often involves presentations providing practical ideas and inspiration about relevant topics for library professionals. There are opportunities for small group discussions and all participants are encouraged to share what’s working in their library or to discuss common challenges.

Special Interest Group Events

Please register for these events via: Events

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