Title: The True Colour of a Little White Lie
Author: Gabriel Bergmoser
Reviewer: Rhonda Bruce
Audience: 14+
I stared at her and tried to remember the script. But the script was based on asking her how she felt about me, which now seemed obvious. I couldn't remember what I'd written down to say if she said yes" (P177)
Nelson is an awkward, fourteen-year-old nerd who makes a disastrous attempt to ask the girl that he likes out on a date - by email. Embarrassed by her refusal, Nelson is thrilled when his parents accept a job at the local ski lodge for the season. Left mostly to himself, Nelson inadvertently ends up in a love triangle, enters The Whitt - a classic skiing race for seriously good skiers, (which he is not) and tells a few little white lies along the way. Nelson can't outski the repercussion of his actions but he does learn that we all have flaws and that life has a lot of jumps along the way.
* covers additional reading for a range of texts by Australian authors and texts chosen by students for personal interest and enjoyment. Stage 5 English Core representation of Life Experiences; and, Stage 6 Text and the Human Experience