Title: The Upwelling
Author: Lystra Rose
Reviewer: Rhonda Bruce
Audience: Secondary
"Tarni's hands are two stop signs in the air. I copy. She screeches and the same words over and over, which I don't understand. The tallest hunter bellows. I scowl at him, then at Tarni. Her eight words stop my questions. N'gian followers. The penalty is death" (p117)
Kirra, a descendant of a truth-dreamer and foreteller of the future, has an end-of-the- world nightmare which threatens her world's existence. As a keen surfer, Kirra enters a surfing competition which is being held where her brother was killed, and is tossed by a huge tunnel wave and ends up in the past in traditional lands. Kirra is befriended by Narn, a dolphin-caller, and the girl he loves, Tarni, who has a gift for understanding and speaking very language and dialect. Together these three face the evil Malung in order to save their past, present and future.
Strongly recommended to readers who love Fantasy and First Nations stories. Shortlisted for the 2023 Prime Minister's Literary Award for young fiction. Winner of the Black&Write! Writing Fellowship.
*This novel dives deeply into the traditional culture of the Yugembah people. Highly relevant to the Year 7-10 English Syllabus Wide Reading Program and covers Cultural Diversity