Title: 2024 Australasian Sky Guide
Author: Dr Nick Lomb
Reviewer: Rhonda Bruce
Audience: Stags 4 & 5
"The stars for Euahlayi in this Universe inform us of a great number of stories that our people connect with in life and in death" (P8) Uncle Ghillar Michael Anderson
Recommended for viewers of the night sky, whether using backyard telescopes or on camping trips, this guide to the nigh sky has been updated annually since 1991. It contains updated information on the rising and setting times for the Sun and Moon, Tide Tables for Sydney and Highlights of the Night Sky for 2024, including when meteor showers will occur.
Uncle Ghillar Michael Anderson provides an overview of "The Stars and Euahlayi Law".
*relevant to the Year 7-10 English Syllabus Wide Reading Program