Join us on Saturday 5th June as we take a deep dive into the priority skills of information fluency using the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum’s (ESIFC) scope and sequence, and discover the power of graphic organizers to guide students as they learn new inquiry skills. You will also be invited to start your own re-imagination journey by glimpsing Stripling’s newest areas of investigation and having an opportunity to develop your own practice in small-group collaboration with colleagues.
Goal for this Workshop
You will discover aspects of inquiry-based teaching and learning that will enable you to continue on your own path to agency and leadership for your school community, through:
* Teaching Deep Reading During Inquiry
* Nurturing the Whole Child Through Inquiry
* Fostering Social and Emotional Growth
* Developing Student Agency
You will explore how teacher librarians can foster an inquiry stance in students that propels and supports their independent reading and learning.
You will be given the opportunity to:
* re-imagine your path toward inquiry-based teaching and learning by fostering both inquiry process and stance
* form a plan framed by key values
* collaboratively draft a plan that builds on current efforts and strengthens inquiry using an information fluency lens.
To register for the ISS package or for this session with
Dr Barbara Stripling, please visit: Events