Introducing SLANSW’s ‘Love My Library’ campaign!
SLANSW members are invited to share what you LOVE about your school library with us!
What to include:
● Your school’s name
● Library’s name and website (if relevant)
● Library staff- name/s and job title (photos optional)
● Photos and description of physical areas, displays, collection, etc
● Word limit: 300 to 500 words in total
Optional ideas:
● What do students and staff say about your library?
● What is the most striking thing about your library?
● Library social media handles
● To gain permission from your school principal and head of department before sending your entry to us
● All photos should be owned by you
● Maintain student and staff privacy especially while taking photos
Send your entry to info@slansw.net.au
SLANSW’s Advocacy and Promotions Subcommittee will review your entry. Some edits, in consultation with you, may be required.
Once approved, it will be published in a SLANSW eNewsletter, and/or featured on our website, as well as shared and promoted via our 3 social media channels.