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  • 14 Feb 2020 10:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Growing up in Sydney, Melissa Jackson is of Bundjalung decent with family links to the Baryulgil area near Grafton, New South Wales. Melissa has worked in various NSW government departments before starting work at the State Library of New South Wales in 1991. She has a background in teaching and librarianship and has a Master in Indigenous Language Education from the University of Sydney.

    Ground-breaking exhibitions like “Living Language” do not happen without the guidance and direction of Community. Melissa, who is one off the curators of this exhibition, will be sharing how the Library’s extensive consultation with language champions has made this exhibition a brilliant fusion of library collections and lived community experiences. As part of the session, we will have the opportunity to tour the “Living Language: Country, Community, Culture” exhibition in The State Library NSW. This exhibition opened in 2019 to celebrate UNESCO’s Year of Indigenous Language. SLNSW is proud to host this major exhibition shining the spotlight on the sad history but vibrant future of Aboriginal languages of New South Wales.

    To explore more about our conference or to register, please visit  Reach Out Through Reading 

  • 14 Feb 2020 10:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Heather Zubek is a freelance writer, educator and reading aloud advocate. She has read aloud to children and adults of all ages at writers’ festivals, libraries, bookshops, schools, nursing homes and playgroups. Believing in the special power of reading aloud, Heather looks forward to sharing ideas on how to start a reading revolution in your school.

    Learn how to start a reading revolution that will take over your entire school. This session will look at the importance of reading aloud to students of any age, even to teenagers. We will generate ideas on encouraging teachers to read regularly to their classes and getting the whole school involved in reading. You’ll also learn how to improve your reading aloud skills whilst discovering that not all books were made for reading aloud. 

    To explore more about our conference or to register, please visit  Reach Out Through Reading 

  • 14 Feb 2020 9:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Lee FitzGerald has been a primary and secondary teacher librarian, in government and independent schools, for over 25 years.  She is currently an adjunct lecturer to the teacher librarianship course at Charles Sturt University. Subjects from this course have informed her presentation; in particular, Literature Across the Curriculum, Resourcing the Curriculum and Digital Literature. The title of Lee’s conference presentation is “Reading for engagement: Using fiction in multiple formats across the curriculum”.

    The presentation focuses on using fiction and literary nonfiction in areas other than English, for the Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities. The presentation proposes that topics across the curriculum can be introduced using fiction, including emerging digital fiction, such as immersive journalism and trans-media storytelling. The presentation will look at locating and providing examples of genres in topic areas across the curriculum in the form of graphic novels, picture books, fiction and literary non-fiction as well as digital literature.   

    To explore more about our conference or to register, please visit  Reach Out Through Reading  

  • 12 Feb 2020 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Creating informative, meaningful and interactive learning spaces through Library Displays is Winnie's passion. Seeing the students’ intrigue and curiosity, as well as the look of nostalgia on her colleagues’ faces as they enter the library, brings her a lot of joy. Winnie will be sharing ideas on what her displays are about, where she gets her inspiration, and presenting her 2020 ideas for you to use, or as inspiration for you to take your displays to the next level. 

    To explore more about our conference or to register, please visit  Reach Out Through Reading  

  • 10 Feb 2020 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Judith Wakeman will be presenting as part of our Conference on 7 March 2020 at the State Library of NSW on: Developmental Bibliotherapy: using YA Fiction to help teens navigate adolescence in a world of climate change. While Teacher Librarians are well aware that reading is good for mental health, Judith will explore how a good book can change the way we think, and why Young Adult fiction can mitigate the disruption caused by mental health issues in the young people in our care.

    To explore more about our conference or to register, please visit  Reach Out Through Reading 

  • 18 Dec 2019 12:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear members, we have just finalised an agreement with Basement Books, “Australia’s cheapest bookstore,” whereby members will receive a 15% discount once they set up an account with BB and provide their SLANSW member number. Please note that BB deals in remainders and some books may be marked with a texta line on the bottom. If you require unmarked copies, please check the book’s details in the BB website.

  • 16 Dec 2019 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    December 16, 2019 

    The School Library Association of New South Wales (SLANSW) is currently seeking Expressions of Interest for its Executive Officer position.

    As Executive Officer, you will be the first point of contact for the Association and will have a sound overview of the school library sector and current issues in teacher librarianship in NSW. To be successful in this position, you will need to be a self-motivated person with a passion for school libraries and teacher librarianship, with an interest in school library advocacy, policy and funding matters.

    You will also possess experience in office management systems, website design and management, event organisation, and communication strategies. Experience using a membership management system such as Wild Apricot is desirable.

    This position will suit a person with a home office who is seeking part-time work in supporting the management of a professional association in the education/library sector.

    Expressions of interest are due 5pm Monday 6 January 2020 by email to SLANSW Vice President – Operations, Dr Lyn Hay at Please use the subject line ‘SLANSW Executive Officer Application’.

    Expressions of interest must demonstrate your ability to undertake the key services the Executive Officer is expected to provide (maximum two pages) and include a CV (maximum three pages), with two referee contacts. Please refer to the ‘Expression of Interest Information Sheet’ for criteria, responsibilities, contract and conditions. 

    For further information about the role, please contact Vice President – Operations, Dr Lyn Hay at or phone 0412034595.

    Please note that the Selection Panel intends to undertake online interviews with shortlisted applicants via Zoom during the week of Monday, January 13, 2020.

    Ideally, SLANSW’s Executive and Management Committee are working towards a start date of Monday, February 3, 2020 for this Executive Officer position; however, this can be negotiated with the Executive based on the successful applicant’s availability.

  • 13 Dec 2019 9:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In October 2018, SLANSW's President, Dr Di Laycock, attended a meeting with Professor Geoff Masters to gain insight into the review being conducted by NESA into the NSW curriculum. As a result of this and other public consultations between September and November 2018, NESA then released Nurturing wonder and igniting passion: Designs for a future school curriculum. NSW Curriculum Review Interim Report (October 2019). This interim report was used as a basis for further consultation from 22 October to 13 December 2019. 

    The SLANSW Committee has considered the Report and, while celebrating the potential opportunities for school libraries and teacher librarians, has noted the failure of the report to explicitly acknowledge the role of qualified teacher librarians and well-resourced school libraries in the proposed areas of curriculum change. The Management Committee, therefore, prepared and submitted this response to the Interim Report on 13 December 2019 on behalf of SLANSW members.

    The Committee stated enthusiastic support for curriculum reform, in that:

    The report is a blueprint for change that teacher librarians in NSW will be enthusiastic about, as the skills of deep understanding and applying knowledge across the curriculum are the ultimate product of inquiry learning, and the skills identified in the interim report, such as “critical and creative thinking, using technologies, interpreting information/data, collaborating and communicating" (NESA, 2019, p. xii) as well as reading and literacy, are skills that teacher librarians are highly qualified to teach.

    However, a thorough reading of the report revealed no specific mention of school libraries or teacher librarians in contributing to the proposed curriculum reform, providing inquiry and project-based learning environments, resourcing a much-changed curriculum, or supporting student learning across the curriculum.

    Three key areas of the reform directions were targeted on behalf of NSW teacher librarians, including the role of school libraries and TLs in contributing to:

    • Reform Direction 2 which argues the need to revise curricula to promote deep understanding;
    • Reform Direction 3 which calls for designing a new curriculum with greater emphasis on building skills in applying knowledge; and
    • Reform Direction 13 which refers to the introduction of a major project component for every student to undertake as part of their senior years of schooling.
    SLANSW believes teacher librarians can contribute significantly to these reforms and in the submission we invited NESA to consider collaborating with SLANSW to articulate a clearer picture of how school libraries can contribute to the design, implementation and evaluation of such curriculum reforms.

    Your Committee has been actively engaged in this consultation process as part of SLANSW's commitment to the School Library Coalitions' Students Need School Libraries advocacy campaign. You can follow activities for this campaign on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube via the hashtag #studentsneedschoollibraries

    We encourage members to read through the interim report as well as your Association's submission, in preparation for any discussion that may occur within your school community or local network about the way forward.

  • 13 Dec 2019 12:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to those who attended the AGM on 8th December. Reports and the Minutes of the meeting are available in the Members Only section of the website. In a short but productive meeting, the proposed changes to the SLANSW Constitution were passed unanimously and Committee elections were conducted.

    Congratulations to our new Committee members: Rhonda Creasey (Wallsend Public School/Fern Bay Public School) and Zoe Morris (Calrossy Anglican School) as regional representatives, and Pooja Mathur (The King’s School) and Amber Sorenson (Cherrybrook Technology High School) as metropolitan representatives.

    To the outgoing members of the Committee – Ken Brock, Bill Cohen and Marion Silk – thank you for your contributions over the past two years to help grow SLANSW. To those Committee members continuing their service to the profession, thank you.

    With the addition of an Executive Officer (see call for EOI) to assist with the administrative side of SLANSW, we are now in a strong position to enact many of the exciting activities and plans discussed at the Committee’s Strategic Planning Meeting in September.

    Kind regards,

    Di Laycock
    President, SLANSW

  • 24 Jul 2019 3:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome back everyone. While it might appear that your Committee has had a quiet couple of months, we have been busy behind the scenes.

    We’ve spent some time looking at options to deal with increasing membership numbers, a great issue to have(!), as well as the provisioning of automated renewals, enhanced website features, and community-building functionality.

    We recently subscribed to the membership management software, Wild Apricot, and have been working to have your membership renewals for 2019-2020 ready to be sent out this week. The Wild Apricot software will also manage registrations for events such as our Online Meet-ups and State Library conferences.

    Time to renew your SLANSW Membership

    For those renewing their institutional membership for 2019-2020, we have two special offers. The first is access to the new SLANSW-branded CiteMaker service - check here for details. The second is a Fairfax Media subscription offer for schools and a free subscription to one lucky institutional member who joins SLANSW or renews their membership before the end of September this year, check out this announcement for details.

    The Committee will continue to explore further partnerships with industry to enhance the benefits for both personal and institutional members. 

    Check out membership benefits for more information.

    by Di Laycock, President

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