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  • 11 Jul 2024 12:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SLANSW members, and other library professionals, may wish to find out more about resources for educating the public on financial, health and digital skills, a perspective from America.

    The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has launched a new website that provides resources for educating the public on financial, health and digital skills. The acting director of the IMLS, Cyndee Landrum, sees “Every interaction in a museum or a library, every engagement with an exhibit or program, is an opportunity for those skills to be developed”

    Access the full article  via this link.

  • 21 Jun 2024 10:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SLANSW members, and other library professionals, may wish to find out more about digital literacies and libraries in a global context. 

    A recent press release on the United Nations Development Programme webpage, features two tools that are designed to help improve the professional competences and digital skills of the coordinators of Digital Education Hubs. The project was implemented by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ukrainian Library Association, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, as part of the Swedish-funded DIA Support Project.

    Access the full press release  via this link.

  • 16 May 2024 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The School Writing Prize gives a voice to young Australians and aims to develop a sustained and enjoyable writing practice for high school students. This year, we are seeking entries from students that explore the idea of ‘connection’. 

    We are looking for writing that responds to this theme as widely and creatively as possible in the form of short fiction, essays, personal reflections, memoir and genre pieces. This year's guest judge is author Danielle Binks, and the winning entry will receive a $500 cash prize, publication in KYD and an invitation to perform at the Wheeler Centre Teen Gala.

    Entry is open exclusively to KYD School Members and their students. There is no additional entry fee. Entries close at 5pm AEST, Friday, 23 August 2024.

    You can find more information about the Prize here

  • 2 May 2024 2:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The first SLANSW Professional Learning Summit of 2024 was held in face-to-face mode at Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, on March 16, from 9:00 am – 3:30pm. The theme of the Summit was Piecing it together: Voice, choice and connection.

    Summit participant and SLANSW member, Fabian Amuso has reflected on his Summit experience and shares his thoughts with members via a blog post.

    To read the full blog post by Fabian Amuso, click here and login to your Member Portal.

  • 23 Jan 2024 3:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The IFLA Section on Management and Marketing is delighted to launch this year’s International Library Marketing Award. The award is given to the library that demonstrates the best marketing activity to increase awareness and usage of their offer or services, through creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns. The winning libraries will receive funds towards the purchase of new technology for their library-related activities to improve the services or impact that libraries offer. First place receives €3,000, second €2,000, and third €1,500. The awards also honour the top 10 submissions with certificates of recognition and a Premium PressReader account.

    Applications will be accepted through 20 February 2024 at, where you can also find more information about submission and award criteria.

  • 11 Dec 2023 5:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Australian School Library Associations are joining forces with ALIA to form a new sector committee. I’d like to provide some background, along with more details, so that you can appreciate the direction SLANSW is taking in advocating for school libraries and school library staff.

    History of ACSL

    ACSL (or as it was previously known as the ‘School Library Coalition’) was formed following a meeting at ALIA House in Canberra in 2015 involving all the bodies that represent those working in school libraries in Australia. At this meeting, those attending agreed to form a coalition dedicated to raising awareness of school libraries across all sectors and thus engage in promotion and support for school libraries and the staff working in them. The coalition agreed to meet four times per year and collaborate on issues of national importance to school libraries. At a face-to-face meeting in Sydney in May 2023, it was agreed that the coalition be henceforth known as the ‘Australian Coalition for School Libraries’.

    Goals of ACSL

    The primary goal of ACSL is to be a united and professional voice to advocate for a stronger future for school libraries and school library staff in Australia in the interests of improved learning and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people.

    The Australian Coalition for School Libraries (ACSL) provides a united and professional voice to advocate for Australian school libraries and school library staff. ACSL is committed to the goal of universal access for Australian students to well-resourced school libraries with qualified and supported staff.

    Memorandum of Collaboration - The Relationship between ACSL and ALIA

    ACSL is one of several ALIA sector committees appointed by the ALIA Board to represent the interests of the sector and provide input into strategic discussions. ACSL will work collaboratively with the ALIA Office and other ALIA Sector Committees and Groups when relevant. The following Committees or Groups are of relevance:

    • ALIA Schools

    • Australian Public Library Alliance

    • ALIA Childrens and Youth Services

    • ALIA Disability

    • ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics

    • ALIA Library Technicians

    • ALIA Multicultural

    • ALIA Rainbow

    • ALIA Sustainable Libraries

    Operational Terms and Membership

    ACSL is a sector committee of ALIA. As a sector committee ACSL can also be a source of advice for the ALIA Board.

    ACSL is a network of equals and the ACSL Committee is constituted by two representatives from each of the member Associations. The 2023/24 SLANSW Representatives are Di Laycock and Lyn Hay and they will liaise with ACSL and attend meetings on the behalf of SLANSW. In addition to SLANSW representatives, ACSL comprises representation from ALIA, Queensland School Library Association (QSLA); School Library Association of South Australia (SLASA); School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV); Western Australian School Library Association (WASLA); and the Australian School Library Association (ASLA). Each of these organisations play a unique and important role, and now, with communication channels strengthened and means of collaboration set in place, there is a focal point for research to take place and a platform for school library voices to be amplified in Australia.

    The Management Committee and I are looking forward to this new era of collaboration and cooperation between the many Associations across Australia who wish to improve the position of school libraries and school library staff. I would value your comments and ideas about how SLANSW can advocate for you, our members, and your libraries.

    Karen Seeneevassen

    SLANSW President

  • 24 Nov 2023 2:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • 10 Oct 2023 10:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SLANSW members are invited to participate in our ‘Member Spotlight’ series.

    Send in your entries to

    What to include:

    ● Full name (photo optional)
    ● Job title
    ● Place/s of work
    ● Qualifications
    ● Aspects of school library you are passionate about
    ● How do you promote the library to staff, students and school community?
    ● Description of some of your projects and programs (photos optional, but encouraged)
    ● Social media handles (if relevant)
    ● Word limit: 300 to 500 words


    ● To gain permission from your school principal and head of department before sending your entry to us
    ● All photos should be owned by you
    ● Maintain student and staff privacy especially while taking photos 

    SLANSW’s Advocacy and Promotions Subcommittee will review your entry. Some edits, in consultation with you, may be required.

    Once approved, it will be published in a SLANSW eNewsletter, and/or featured on our website, as well as shared and promoted via our 3 social media channels.
  • 10 Oct 2023 10:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Introducing SLANSW’s ‘Love My Library’ campaign!

    SLANSW members are invited to share what you LOVE about your school library with us!

    What to include:

       Your school’s name

       Library’s name and website (if relevant)

        Library staff- name/s and job title (photos optional)

        Photos and description of physical areas, displays, collection, etc

        Word limit: 300 to 500 words in total

    Optional ideas:

       What do students and staff say about your library?

       What is the most striking thing about your library?

        Library social media handles


      To gain permission from your school principal and head of department before sending your entry to us

       All photos should be owned by you

       Maintain student and staff privacy especially while taking photos 

    Send your entry to

    SLANSW’s Advocacy and Promotions Subcommittee will review your entry. Some edits, in consultation with you, may be required.

    Once approved, it will be published in a SLANSW eNewsletter, and/or featured on our website, as well as shared and promoted via our 3 social media channels.

  • 12 Sep 2023 9:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Term 2 (2023) FBLC featured the recent work of Dr Margaret Merga. Participants engaged with the content of Dr Merga’s book, which was supported by recordings of Professional Conversations between Dr Merga and Dr Lyn Hay about the content of the book. Sessions also included video content from the restricted section of the SLANSW Professional Learning Archive. Other supporting resources were curated to expand participant’s access to content about this very important topic.

    As part of the course, participants are asked to submit a reflection statement. In this new blog post, Nickki Mackey, Librarian at Whitefriars College, shares her thoughts

    To read the full blog post by Nickki Mackey, click here and login to your Member Portal.

    To register for the next FBLC visit: Flexible Blended Learning Course 2, 2023

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