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  • 17 Feb 2022 11:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Currently working as Liaison Librarian: Education for the University of Southern Queensland, Liz has worked as a teacher, teacher librarian and Young People’s Librarian in a large public library and a lecturer in teacher librarianship. She was awarded the QSLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award in 2019 and in the same year presented her IBSC action research project Diverse Stories: A Pathway to Developing Adventurous Year 8 Readers in Montreal, Canada. Liz has written and taught children’s literature courses for undergraduate and postgraduate university study and was a judge for the CBCA Book of the Year awards in 2007 and 2008. Liz is a reviewer for Magpies magazine and occasionally blogs at

    Liz is presenting her workshop "Access Matters: Exploring Lenses of Inclusion and Diversity" at the next SLANSW Professional Learning Summit. To find out more visit: Professional Learning Summit: Representation Matters (19 March 2022)

  • 14 Feb 2022 10:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Angela Kerr is the Henry Parkes Equity Centre Librarian and Project Officer supporting equity programs in NSW DoE schools. With experience in Western Sydney schools as a qualified class K-6 teacher, EAL/D Consultant, Head Teacher Literacy National Partnerships, EAL/D, French LOTE and Reading Recovery teacher, she enjoys curating resources and providing quality resources and advice for DoE staff. As a lifelong learner, Angela is committed to keeping abreast of innovation and reform in education to access the most cutting-edge resources for schools. As a daughter of refugees and migrants she is an advocate for informed and compassionate treatment of newly arrived people to countries around the world.

    Angela is presenting her workshop "The Henry Parkes Equity and Resource Centre – Resources and Services" at the next SLANSW Professional Learning Summit. To find out more visit: Professional Learning Summit: Representation Matters (19 March 2022)

  • 14 Feb 2022 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mrs Pooja Mathur is a teacher librarian at the King’s School Senior Library. She is the coordinator of their Reading Club and an active member of the school’s Wellbeing Committee. Additionally, Pooja is the Secretary of School Library Association of New South Wales (SLANSW), and a member of the International Boys’ School Coalition (IBSC) Action Research Team for 2022-23, researching “Shattering Stereotypes: Helping Boys Cultivate Healthy Masculinity.” 

    Pooja is presenting her workshop "Walk in my shoes: Representing all students in your school" at the next SLANSW Professional Learning Summit. To find out more visit: Professional Learning Summit: Representation Matters (19 March 2022)

  • 8 Feb 2022 9:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This first SLANSW professional learning summit for 2022 provides participants with the opportunity to engage in a number of workshops, closely linked to the keynote presentation themes of understanding the need to provide students with access to diverse and inclusive resources, how to develop diverse and inclusive programs, services, and collections to improve student literacy outcomes. Participants will reflect on their learning and practice in the topic area through discussion with academics, colleagues, and expert practitioners.

    To explore more about our Professional Learning Summit or to register, please visit:  Representation Matters

  • 1 Feb 2022 8:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In this first session of the year Megan Light (K.O.A.L.A.) and Management Committee members Rhonda Creasey and Melanie Walker will share their experiences and ideas on innovative ways to effectively recommend books to students across K-12. The content of this webinar will assist participants to provide informed reading recommendations to their students through consideration of the knowledge and strategies offered by the presenters and through discussion with colleagues.

    Register now at: How do you recommend books to your students?

  • 18 Dec 2021 2:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The dates for the SLANSW Professional Learning Calendar are set and the presenters are being finalised. Term 1 events are confirmed and you can register for these in the new year on the SLANSW website via:

    The Professional Learning Subcommittee members are very excited about our new professional learning format, which is a self-paced Flexible Blended Learning Course. Courses will be offered over a seven-week period in Terms 2 and 4, and will provide our members with a PL opportunity that can be undertaken at a time that works for you. The courses will provide approximately six PL hours and include video, required readings, optional readings and the posting of a learning reflection.

  • 6 Dec 2021 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Member Benefits- 23 November 2021

    New offerings and updates

    About this presentation

    This session, Management Committee members Melanie Walker, Cath Havenaar and Di Laycock, presented on SLANSW Special Interest Groups (SIG) and Project Groups that members can join. It was an opportunity to share how SLANSW can best support you as a teacher librarian or non-teaching library staff member in your role in a NSW school. The session showcased the benefits of personal and/or institutional membership, including  the SLANSW Awards, Research Grant and other benefits of membership.

    Mentoring SIG

    In 2022 SLANSW is looking to pilot a one-year mentoring scheme as part of its professional development program. The pilot will run from February to November 2022.  This pilot scheme aims to:

    • Connect teacher librarians from across the state
    • Provide an opportunity for sustained and structured professional learning
    • Help you tailor your PD to best meet your student and school needs

    In this session, Melanie outlined further details of the program. 

    Non-Teaching School Library Staff SIG

    The Non-Teaching School Library Staff Special Interest Group is an informal gathering held at the beginning of each term. Participants are encouraged to bring along their coffee and simply connect with others. The hour long session involves a short presentation from different speakers, followed by small group discussions, which provide practical ideas and inspiration for members to use in their own libraries.

    Research SIG

    The aim of the Research Special Interest Group is to encourage and support its members to engage in reflective practices that explore and communicate the impact of the services, programs, and spaces in their school libraries. Group members are encouraged to identify a change they would like to make in their libraries or a new strategy they would like to try and will be supported in areas such as data collection and analysis, and appropriate ways to communicate their project findings for maximum impact. The hour-long meetings of the group comprise a short information session followed by discussion and the sharing of ideas and practices.

    Micro-Credentialling Project Group

    This group's focus is on the use of micro-credentialled courses to deliver content generated through the school library in areas such as information literacy, digital literacy and citizenship, and library orientation. The emphasis is on the sharing of ideas as to how courses can be shaped and delivered to suit the particular context of group members.

    Suggested Standard Descriptors for this Meet-up: 

    6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.

    6.3.2 Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice.

    7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.

  • 29 Oct 2021 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Exact Editions has partnered with 39 publishers to assemble a showcase of 156 books that span a wide variety of content addressing the urgent and important challenge of climate change. These books are fully-searchable and freely-available to all institutions for 26 days starting on the 28th of October 2021: Virtual Book Showcase

  • 7 Oct 2021 8:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This Coffee and Chat session focuses on practical strategies that help students transition from well-known series or titles, to books they may not have come across before. How can we help students to take risks in their reading yet sustain a love of reading that is often sparked by the Harry Potters or Percy Jacksons of the world? Leah Rose has had a decade working as a Library Technician in a co-educational K-12 school. She has worked with books for around 20 years and has a passion for children’s and YA literature. Leah will spend a short time presenting different ways she supports the TLs and students in recommending and reading new books. We will also have the opportunity to chat about how we are welcoming students back this term and look forward to sharing and taking away some fabulous ideas we can use in our own libraries.

    Register now at: Coffee and Chat - Non-Teaching School Library SIG - Term 4 2021

  • 2 Oct 2021 11:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If so, join the SLANSW Research Special Interest Group for an informal discussion on how practitioner research can help turn your educational hunches into evidence-based practice and how to use that evidence to support your library’s services and resources.

    Bring your preferred drink and nibbles along at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 20thOctober to get some ideas or share your ideas with others.

    Register now at:

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